03 July 2009

Sleepless nights, or mornings

9:15 pm
so i came home last night from work and drank so cold creamed out coffee, of course with sugar...and ate my sandwich.

i decided to go on the computer

lost track of time and was still on the computer but decided to go to bed because i was starving and i know that i shouldn't eat right before bed and i didn't want to stay up till 1:00 am

realize when i see my bed that i have not yet made it again since i cleaned the sheets this morning

decide not to car about sheets and pillow cases, the pillows, mattress cover, and the down comforter are fine for one night

12:03 am
tossing and turning not able to get to sleep, stomach growling, and for some reason i have this weird feeling in my legs like they need to move around

still hungry

(i won't tell the rest between now and 2:48 am because its the same as these two previous entries)

turn over and finally decide to go downstairs and eat something because i am wide awake and starving and i see the lights on down there

eating some wheat thins, peanut butter, and raspberries (interesting combo i must say)

decide to go upstairs and read my book "Hero" to see if i can fall asleep

(this does not make me any more tired)

i decide to turn on the ceiling fan, turn off the light and try to go to sleep

(there is some more tossing and turning and some dreams...but somehow i manage to have only slept for a little over an hour because)

i wake up once again, hot and restless and wide awake, i try to just fake it at this point because i realize that i am not getting any sleep tonight (or this morning)

i decide to just give up and get out of bed and shower and eat breakfast because i am still starving, my legs feel weird, and i am still wide awake

i'm thinking maybe it was the coffee
because i never drink it,
and if i do its always before 12:00 pm...

1 comment:

  1. i was awake til 4:30 pacing around my room if we went online we could have talked!
