18 January 2010

Bit of a night

how is it that someone can wind up at a house, in a city with thousands of others just like it, with two of the people in their recent past at aforementioned house, when there are millions of other students or city folk that could have been in that same place?
i guess you could say great minds think alike.

there are two stories here:
one involves a boy and his new "girlfriend". i put that in quotes because i am not quite sure what to call her, i only saw her yesterday. but apparently it "looked forced", this is according to several people who i like to call my girls. now i myself didnt see that, but they did also notice this particular person continuously looking at me....and i did see this. tell me, if you were with a girl who was your potential girlfriend, would you be looking around at a girl who wasn't even a had been? are you still waiting, or hoping, or wanting? what stopped you from anything in the first place? was it me? you? just separation? i have no idea.

now the other story involves a boy and his posse. first, i see one of the boys that this main character calls one of his best friends and i think to myself wow, this main character boy had better not show up. and then you know what? ten minutes later i am standing in the middle of the dance floor (where no one is dancing because there are so many people you can barely move) and guess who walks in...yep, main character boy. so of course, i alert my best friend (who knows all about the previous run-ins with this boy) and she just goes nuts. all night i wind up walking by him, or seeing him, and know that we both are trying to kind of avoid each other, but still keep an eye out. i don't know why exactly this was happening, all that was running through my mind was, "please don't let this boy ask me to dance, or talk to me or anything" but at the same time i wanted him to keep looking, because i still have this little unfinished business i guess you could call it.

anyway, at the end of the night, both stories ended before i left the house because i wound up having so much more fun when the dance floor got a little less crowded and there was room to dance. that was the whole reason i decided to venture out into the city for the third night in a row (the past two were spent walking around because for some reason it was more fun to walk around in heels and a skirt in 40 degree weather for 5 hours than to go to a house...).

so with the stories at an end--for now at least, i found myself a bit disappointed and bit tired, but overall in a thoughtfully happy place.

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