03 January 2010

new year, new beginnings

this is what people would like to think, this is what they always tell themselves.

i choose not to believe this, you will always be who you are, you will not change just because the year changes, or the decade, the century or even the millenium.

one night does not change things, people don't quit cold turkey, people don't sober up over night, people cannot change their personalities, people simply cannot help themselves, its part of being human.

the world will always fear the threat of destruction, whether it be armageddon or the turn of the new millenium...if people could just find their happiness in themselves and act in kindness and be less selfish, no one would have to change, no one would have to make resolutions only to find them broken a month a week or a day later.

the new year will not be a new beginning for me, but a continuation on my trek to become who i am and a search for my own happiness...i may adjust the way i arrive at my final destination, but i don't see that as a change, its the fine-tuning of the focus on my life...as i said nothing happens overnight. i'm not expecting it to, and i don't want it to.

i heard today that if you start something too soon, without fully finding "the self" in your life you will question your tracks without even finding yourself at the end. you may not wind up where you are supposed to find yourself.

take it slow, fine-tune yourself, don't expect the change overnight, but instead make goals and try your hardest to achieve them....happiness, kindness and selflessness.

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