15 July 2009

"cellular at SEA"

this is exactly what my phone told me for the last five days...rather annoying actually, because it only allows for emergency calls. but if the cellular was indeed at SEA, who would i call that would know where i was and how to rescue me.

it was so laid back to be out there listening to the waves crash and feeling the drone of the engines and the weight of the ship floating over the massive body of water. it was so relaxing to be apart from all that tied me to this technological world. just being with people, and talking, not facebooking or im-ing or being on the computer for anything less than 7.95 a minute, no calls, no texts, no newspapers, or tv. it was nice.

and now its nice to be refreshed and to be back with my lovely technology. but i have to say it was kind of like a tech detox, and it was good for me.

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