29 October 2009

"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything."


26 October 2009

Need to Know

it doesnt bother me that i know we are not speaking, it bothers me that i cannot know what you are thinking....

it doesnt just bother me, its driving me insane!

but i can't do anything about it because in my mind that would make me the lesser of the two and i just cannot deal with that...this whole situation i have been the lesser, and i can stand for it no more.

tomorrow i will probably wind up breaking the silence anyway because i am just a "need to know" kind of person

25 October 2009


"ordinary here does not mean plain, dull , or commonplace; it means 'measured,' 'ordered.'"
dont you already feel like enough of an idiot? why do you keep doing this to yourself?

23 October 2009

Bedroom buddies.

wow is ll i have to say...or like really?

would i really do bad things? are you finally getting sick of this?

good me too. im not the kind who just gives you whatever you want, im not the kind who just likes to settle right in like that

im dancing tonight....no matter who with, im dancing, and youre not invited...sorry. youre in it for the wrong reasons. i cannot be your bedroom buddy....your closet freak

22 October 2009

The Boy Sheets

everytime i change my sheets, the boy changes as well...correlation? maybe i should change my sheets less often? or maybe i should have the boy change my sheets with me...keep it interesting

20 October 2009

i wait here in the dark, i sit here in the cold. bring me the light, come with your warmth.

18 October 2009

"we've all experienced withering crops"

those times when nothing seems to go your way, those times when no matter how hard you try, there will be no end profit or success.

17 October 2009

Set Free

i just dont understand how i can think one thing completely with every fiber and then not feel the same way after going against my feeling. maybe it wasnt what i wanted. maybe i just needed something, someone at the time to show me what i am really out here for. maybe im ok with that, but maybe thats not a good thing. well see tonights gonna set me free

15 October 2009

"forget about your boyfriend...and meet me at the hotel room..."
"so get on the floor and dance with me....cuz dancins free"

i beg to differ

11 October 2009

What is the difference between the soul and the spirit? And how can they be divided?

07 October 2009


1. are there so many things that are "known" that make me go nuts?
2. do these things make me think otherwise about you?
3. do i believe them in the first place?
4. can't i just figure you out?
5. do i care so much in the first place?
6. do i go all red and get butterflies when i had decided to just let it go?
7. did i feel like it was a sign when its turning out like this?

is it supposed to go like this? i mean, obviously because otherwise it wouldn't be happening right?

8. can't i figure out exactly what i want?
9. do i just blow you off (in my opinion)?
10. do our conversations not really flow?
11. do you smile everytime you see me? are you just being nice?
12. do i have so many questions?
13. are they all about you?
14. can't you just tell me?

i'm a kinda have to know kind of girl, i don't put up with this stuff and this feeling for very long.

04 October 2009

"a woman's heart [holds secrets] like a deep ocean [holds water]...and he exists now only in my memory"

Udonno Bodle:

"you and i don't share no common bonds, so forgive me if i don't receive you with open arms"

this is for you... i just can't believe you anymore, you never cease to amaze me with your "ultraviolet awesomeness" and your nonchalant "yo dude i just saw so much $*!%" attitude.

02 October 2009


why oh why do i do this to myself?

i work myself into a stupor and can no longer figure out what i really want. maybe it's because i really DON'T want it but i feel bad about it because i have led you to the belief that i do IDK



when you wipe your hand across the white chalk written on the green board and your hand becomes stained with the white dusty powder, the only thing that i can imagine is that hand wiping right across my jugular or the veins in my arms and my open smooth stomach or intestines and feeling rough, leaving behind a dry dusty organ that can no longer slide around inside of me like its supposed to. it makes me so sick, and i don't know why in the world i think about that but i can't stand it!

01 October 2009


the sound is so pure, its one sound you really can't fake, because when you do its just, well...fake

Light Bulbs

why do we choose to drive ourselves mad over things we cannot change? why do we choose to stumble around in the dark like mindless idiots? why do we choose to make life so complex when it can really be so simple?

life is really not as hard as we make it. as human beings we live for that complexity and we make it that way. we don't like to just see right through to the other side so we make obstacles for ourselves. we try to put up walls to create a chase, a blind spot. we try with all our might to then understand what is really going on when if we had just left well enough alone we would know what was happening.

we create these stories in our minds to make up for what we do not know, when if we really think about it hard enough we can probably come up with the answer ourselves. yes human beings are each pretty unique, but our innerworkings are pretty much the same. the clouds that exist in our minds exist in other peoples' minds as well. just as the clarity in our minds exists in other peoples' minds.

you don't have to go looking farther than yourself for an answer. think rationally, logically or better yet, keep a clear mind. turn the lights on to get out of the dark. and keep things simple, break them down. you'll figure it out soon enough.