26 August 2009

Quotes from Fran Kick: Motivational Speaker

"how come the first time is always the best time" (it's only good one time because we know what to expect after that....this is referring to growing up, he compared it to the first hill of a roller coaster, and how we always complain, but when we are young, we have not a care in the world and all we want to do is ride on and ride on because every time is just like the first, and that's what we like about it).

"you must give good kisses to receive good kisses; so be a good kisser!" (he says that we don't have a very long attention span so he has to introduce things, and speak in ways that will keep us captivated...he doesn't really mean it literally, well he does but he means you get out of something exactly what you put in and so if you don't complain but stick it out and try your hardest, chances are you will have fun doing it and it will be easier and you will get more out of whatever you are trying to accomplish).

there is a triangle :

fun -------> good -------> work

often times, things that you are good at are fun...but to be good at something you have to work at it....and if you are having fun being good at it, you are working at it because you are doing whatever it is you are good at and having fun doing.

with this explanation, i can see where he is coming from, but i beg to differ on this particular point, i LOVE track, i have fun doing it, it is a high above all others...uh duh, endorphins. but anyway, i did work at track, and i was good at it, maybe not for the team, but for myself i was good enough for me when i was having fun. anyway, i continued being good, and working hard, but i wasn't having fun anymore...the triangle was broken, it just became something i HAD to do because i couldn't an wouldn't quit. but if i'm working at it shouldn't i be having fun? according to Fran. but...this was not true because the people involved were not fun...i guess i have to take a step back and realize it's not the track triangle that bothered me, it was my people skills triangle. i'm not good at meeting people, it's not fun for me because it winds up being awkward, and i can't work at it because it's awkward, and really how do you work on people skills without being fake...so it is that triangle that i failed...the people skills triangle, and that one was intertwined with the track triangle so i no longer was having fun, thus i quit. so i guess that he really was right, about the triangle thing because i still love track and working at it, it's really not track that i quit, it's people that i quit. and now looking back, i do feel a bit sorry that i let my stupidity and stubbornness get in the way.

1 comment:

  1. college just kills your people triangle. i feel the same way. meeting people is not easy, not fun, and not workable. it's exhausting and frustrating when everyone around you seems to have no problems with it (making friends)
