28 April 2009


i was sitting in class and this thought came to mind after a particular someone tripped over a chair....yes, they tripped over a chair. and so i am wondering why exactly this causes such an uproar of laughter. this was not because of the afore mentioned event but because of the particular person who was tripping. earlier in the year this person dropped their papers all over the floor off their desk, and like this most recent time, everyone burst out laughing. why one would thrive off peoples laughter at stupid things they do? i have no idea. as i used to say with my sisters; ATTENTION ALERT!

what puzzles me the most: why, if i did this would people not laugh, but when this particular other person does this, the class laughs? is this person simply that laughable?


  1. eh people always stick with whats safe. It's ok to laugh at someone becauase everyone else will aprove of it. No one's going to approve of you sticking up for them, you know? But i don't blame them either...i don't think id have guts to do the right thing yet. And as for laughing at you...they wouldnt becuase you're quiet. Quiet people are treated much differenly in my opinion

  2. haha yeah i know...its like we are a different species or something
